
I have had my share of pets in my life but for some reason, Skye was a little bit extra special and as much as I feel bad saying this because all my other pets were so amazing and very special to me but it should be taken as a compliment because I just don't have the words to describe the incredible special bond that Skye and I had. First of all, she chose me.......I didn't choose her. Secondly, she was with me through some of my roughest times of my life and when I was at my lowest, I got to have her back and within a few weeks of her moving in with me and being a big help with my depression and how low I felt at the time then the major thing that cemented our bond forever happened. This girl drank a ton of water and I got home one day and my cousin had dropped me off so as I was showing him my new digs, he happened to notice Skye in the river and asked me if it's normal for her to be swimming and I said no not at this time of the year.........it was March 29th......I remember because that's my mom's birthday and there was ice on the edge of the river but the middle was open and the ice didnt't hold her so I ran out and was losing my socks but nothing was stopping me and even my cousin saying no you'll fall in and I was ready to fall in to save her but the ice held me somehow and I managed to save her life and until her passing, we always had such a crazy special bond and we always will. Hope I get to see her in the afterlife if it exists and I believe it does and we will be reunited.